
Ref: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/
Ref: https://developer.wordpress.org/
Ref: https://codex.wordpress.org/

Ref: https://shibashake.com

Ref: https://rudrastyh.com


Ref: https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-custom-fields/

Ref: https://www.businessbloomer.com

Ref: https://artisansweb.net

Ref: https://makitweb.com

Advanced Export: Export WordPress Site Data Including Widget, Customizer & Media Files

Reg: https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-export/

[ilightbox id="7"]<b>Show Inline Gallery</b>[/ilightbox]
<input id="single-input" class="form-control" type="text" value="" placeholder="Now" />
<button id="check-minutes" type="button">Check the minutes</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var input = $('#single-input').clockpicker({
placement: 'bottom',
align: 'left',
autoclose: true,
'default': 'now'
// Manually toggle to the minutes view
// Have to stop propagation here
.clockpicker('toggleView', 'minutes');

Common Core Files

Many of the functions you use in your plugins are located in specific core files. Exploring these files
is a great way to find new and exciting functions to use in your plugins.
The wp-includes folder features many of the files used for public side functions — that is,
functions used on the public side of your Web site.

The formatting.php file contains all WordPress API formatting functions, such as the following:
esc_*() — Includes all escaping functions in this file
is_email() — Verifies an email address is valid
wp_strip_all_tags() — Strips all HTML tags, including script and style, from a string

The functions.php file contains the main WordPress API functions. Plugins, themes, and the
WordPress core use these functions, for example:
*_option() — Adds, updates, deletes, and retrieves options
current_time() — Retrieves the current time based on the time zone set in WordPress
wp_nonce_*() — Creates nonce values for forms and URLs
wp_upload_dir() — Retrieves array containing the current upload directory’s path and URL

The pluggable.php file contains core functions that you can redefine in a plugin. This file is full of
useful functions for your plugins, for example:
get_userdata() — Retrieves all user data from the specified user ID
get_currentuserinfo() — Retrieves user data for the currently logged in user
get_avatar() — Retrieves a user’s avatar
wp_mail: — Is the main function for sending email in WordPress
wp_redirect() — Redirects to another page
wp_rand() — Generates a random number

The plugin.php file contains the WordPress Plugin API functions, such as the following:
add_action() — Executes this hook at a defined point in the execution of WordPress
add_filter() — Uses this hook to filter prior to saving in the database or displaying
on the screen
plugin_dir_*() — Functions to determine a plugin’s path and URL
register_activation_hook() — Is called when a plugin is activated
register_deactivation_hook() — Is called when a plugin is deactivated
register_uninstall_hook() — Is called when a plugin is uninstalled and uninstall.php
does not exist in the plugin directory

The post.php file contains the functions used for posts in WordPress, as follows:
wp_*_post() — Functions for creating, updating, and deleting posts
get_posts() — Returns a list of posts based on parameters specified
get_pages() — Returns a list of pages based on parameters specified
*_post_meta() — Functions to create, update, delete, and retrieve post meta data
register_post_type() — Registers custom post types in WordPress
get_post_types() — Retrieves a list of all registered post types
This is just a list of the more popular functions